Samstag 27. Juli 2024
» Passwort vergessen
United Nations Information Service
ab 14.30 Uhr
  • Q&A-Area
  • Jobwall
United Nations Information Service
Programm vor Ort

Participants of the programme will be offered an introduction to the work and the goals of the United Nations in Vienna and abroad, followed by a career workshop hosted by the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna and the Human Resources Management Service (HRMS) of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV) / United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The participants will learn more about the different career opportunities at the United Nations for students, graduates and young professionals and gain an exciting insight into the international world of the Vienna "UNO-City" and the different working areas of the Vienna-based organizations ( Participants will also hear from the United Nations Global Compact for corporate sustainability and its Austrian Branch, the Global Compact Network Austria.

Please note that prior registration and a valid photo ID are required to gain access to the VIC.


Photographs and videos are being taken at this event which may be used for promotional purposes on UN websites, on social media and in printed materials. Your participation in the event implies your consent to publish images/videos in which you may be visible.

  • Ferialjob/Praktikum
  • Vollzeit Absolvent*innen
  • Vollzeit Absolvent*innen mit 2 bis 3 Jahren Berufserfahrung
  • Architektur/Bauingenieurwesen
  • Assistenz/Administration
  • Beratung/Bildung/Pädagogik
  • Design/Kunst/Kultur
  • Einkauf/Logistik
  • Facility Management
  • Finanz-/Bankwesen
  • HR/Personalwesen
  • IT/Telekommunikation
  • Management
  • Marketing/PR/Werbung
  • Medien-/Verlagswesen
  • Medizin/Pharma/Sozialwesen
  • Politik/Öffentlicher Dienst
  • Rechnungswesen/Controlling
  • Rechtswesen
  • Technik/Produktion
  • Wissenschaft/Forschung
Irene Hoeglinger-Neiva
Public Information Officer
AnsprechpartnerIn vor Ort
Irene Hoeglinger-Neiva
United Nations Information Service
Get to know the international world of the Vienna "UNO-City" and learn more about the different career opportunities at the United Nations for students, graduates and young professionals!
Branche: Internationale Vereinigung/Ausländische Vertretungen
Unternehmenssprache: Englisch
MitarbeiterInnen national: 5000
MitarbeiterInnen international: 40000
Standorte national: 1
Standorte international: zahlreiche